Bahía Gatti:“Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning”


Bahía has a degree in International Relations, Political Science, and Law. She is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Advanced Management and Political Decision Making Techniques, certified by the University of Cadiz (UCA) and with a scholarship from the Organization of American States (OAS), and also working as Monitoring Responsible at the Municipality of Córdoba through a UNDP project.


“Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning”

Q: Tell us a few things about you! Your background, your childhood and early beginnings! 

My name is Bahia Gatti and I am passionate about the world of International Relations. I have three BAs in International Relations, Political Science and Law and I am currently finishing my first Master's degree in Advanced Techniques of Management and Political Decision Making thanks to a scholarship from the Organisation of American States (OAS). I have also taken courses in Project Management at the National University of Cordoba and in Agile Organizations at ESADE Business & Law School. 

In the third sector, I am part of the Board of Directors of OAJNU (Argentine Youth Organisation for the United Nations), where I have been a volunteer for 7 years. At the same time, I am the Regional Coordinator for the Americas at UNOY (United Network of Young Peacebuilders), where I work on the Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda. 

In 2019, I received the first special mention as Outstanding Student from Universidad Siglo 21, among more than 60,000 students. In 2020, I participated in a virtual Capacity Building experience at CAMAAY (Cameroon Association of Active Youth), through UN Volunteers. In 2021, I had the incredible opportunity to receive a Fulbright Scholarship and study abroad at the University of New Mexico in the United States. In 2022, I was selected as a Fellow at the Summer School at the Università degli Studi di Padova in Italy, and as a Fellow of the UNAOC Young Peacebuilders Programme in Spain and Morocco.

Currently, I work as a Monitoring Officer at the Municipality of Córdoba through a project with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), having previously worked at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the World Youth Alliance (WYA), and the EU-LAC Foundation in Germany.

My next adventure begins in September when I embark on my second Master's degree in International Affairs at Columbia University in New York!

Q: What are some of the key challenges in your society currently?

In Cordoba, Argentina, and Latin America, there are several key challenges that societies are currently facing. While the specific issues may vary across different regions and communities, some common challenges include: 

  • Economic Inequality: Income disparity and poverty levels remain significant challenges in many areas of Cordoba, Argentina, and Latin America. Limited access to quality education, healthcare and employment opportunities contribute to the persistence of economic inequality.

  • Social Inclusion: Marginalised communities, including indigenous populations, immigrants and rural inhabitants, often face barriers to social inclusion. Discrimination, unequal access to resources and social stigmatization hinder their full participation and integration into society.

  • Crime and Security: High crime rates, organized crime, drug trafficking and violence pose significant challenges to safety and security in some areas. These issues can have a negative impact on community well-being, economic development and the overall quality of life.

  • Corruption and Governance: Corruption remains a challenge in both public and private sectors, undermining trust in institutions and hindering effective governance. Ensuring transparency, accountability and strengthening institutions are crucial for addressing this issue.

  • Environmental Sustainability: Latin America faces environmental challenges such as deforestation, pollution and the depletion of natural resources. Climate change impacts, including extreme weather events and rising temperatures, exacerbate these challenges, affecting ecosystems, agriculture and water resources.

  • Access to Education and Quality Healthcare: Disparities in access to quality education and healthcare persist, particularly in marginalised communities. Improving access to these essential services is crucial for promoting social development and reducing inequalities.

  • Gender Inequality and Violence: Gender-based violence, including domestic violence and femicide, remains a pressing issue. Achieving gender equality and empowering women is vital for fostering inclusive and equitable societies. 

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving government initiatives, civil society organisations, community participation and international cooperation. Efforts should focus on promoting social justice, economic development, sustainable practices and equal opportunities for all members of society.

Q: Share with us some of the hurdles that you had to overcome in your life so far? How did you handle them? 

Throughout my life, I have faced several hurdles that have shaped my journey. Here are some of the challenges I have encountered and how I handled them: 

  • Balancing Multiple Responsibilities: Managing multiple academic pursuits, work commitments and engagement with various organisations has often posed a challenge. To overcome this hurdle, I have developed strong organisational and time management skills. I create detailed schedules, prioritize tasks and maintain open communication with supervisors and colleagues to ensure effective coordination and meet deadlines.

  • Financial Constraints: Pursuing higher education and participating in international programs often come with financial challenges. To overcome this hurdle, I actively sought scholarships and funding opportunities. Being awarded scholarships from the Organisation of American States (OAS) and Fulbright has provided essential support, allowing me to pursue my academic goals. Additionally, I have been proactive in seeking part-time work and internships that align with my interests, enabling me to gain professional experience while supporting my financial needs.

  • Adapting to Different Cultural Contexts: Engaging with diverse organizations and participating in international experiences has required me to adapt to different cultural contexts. Initially, it was a challenge to navigate new environments, customs and ways of working. However, I embraced a mindset of cultural humility and open-mindedness. I actively learn about different cultures, listen attentively, and respect diverse perspectives. Building meaningful connections with people from various backgrounds has helped me overcome this challenge and thrive in cross-cultural settings.

  • Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: As I embarked on various opportunities and received recognition for my achievements, imposter syndrome occasionally crept in. I doubted my abilities and felt inadequate. To overcome this challenge, I remind myself of my accomplishments, embrace self-compassion and seek support from mentors, friends, and family. I actively engage in personal and professional development, continuously learning and growing, which helps to build confidence and overcome imposter syndrome.

  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance: Balancing work, academic pursuits and personal life can be demanding. To address this challenge, I prioritize self-care and create boundaries. I allocate time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones. Setting realistic goals and practicing self-reflection allows me to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout. 

Overall, overcoming these hurdles required resilience, determination and a growth mindset. I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, seeking support from mentors, peers and my support network. These experiences have shaped me into a more adaptable, resourceful and resilient individual as I continue to pursue my passion for international affairs.

Q: Why is the role of a mentor important for you? 

The role of a mentor holds immense significance for me for several reasons:

  • Guidance and Wisdom: A mentor's guidance and wisdom are invaluable in helping me navigate my personal and professional journey. Their experience and expertise provide me with insights and perspectives that I may not have considered on my own. They offer advice, share lessons learned and provide practical solutions to challenges I may encounter along the way.

  • Personal and Professional Development: A mentor plays a vital role in my personal and professional development. They help me identify my strengths and areas for improvement, setting goals and working towards them. Their constructive feedback and support push me to stretch my capabilities, fostering continuous growth and improvement.

  • Knowledge and Skill Transfer: Mentors possess a wealth of knowledge and skills that they can transfer to me. They offer guidance in areas where I may lack expertise, helping me acquire new skills, deepen my understanding and broaden my knowledge base. Their mentorship enables me to enhance my capabilities and become a more well-rounded individual.

  • Networking and Connections: A mentor often has an extensive network and can facilitate introductions to relevant contacts in my field of interest. This networking opportunity opens doors to new opportunities, collaborations and connections that can further advance my personal and professional goals. The mentor's support and endorsement can also enhance my credibility and visibility within the industry.

  • Emotional Support and Encouragement: A mentor serves as a source of emotional support and encouragement. They believe in my potential, providing reassurance during times of doubt or setbacks. Their encouragement fuels my motivation and resilience, helping me persevere in the face of challenges.

  • Accountability and Reflection: A mentor holds me accountable for my actions and progress. They provide a safe space for reflection, helping me critically evaluate my choices, decisions and actions. Their guidance ensures that I stay focused, remain on track, and continuously strive for improvement.

  • Role Modeling and Inspiration: A mentor serves as a role model, embodying the qualities and achievements I aspire to attain. Their success and journey inspire and motivate me to reach higher and strive for excellence. They demonstrate what is possible and instill confidence in my own abilities. 

Overall, the role of a mentor is crucial for my growth and development. Their guidance, support and expertise shape my journey, enabling me to overcome challenges, make informed decisions and reach my full potential. Their impact extends far beyond the mentorship period, influencing my personal and professional trajectory for years to come.

Q: Do you have a lesson that life has taught you and you would like to share?

One valuable lesson that life has taught me is the power of resilience and embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth. Throughout my journey, I have encountered numerous obstacles, faced failures and experienced moments of disappointment. However, I have come to realise that these challenges are not roadblocks but rather stepping stones to success. 

Life has taught me that setbacks and failures are natural and inevitable. Instead of dwelling on them or letting them define me, I have learned to view them as valuable learning experiences. Each setback has provided me with an opportunity to reflect, learn from my mistakes and adapt my approach. It is through these moments of adversity that I have grown the most, both personally and professionally. 

Resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity, has been a key trait that I have cultivated. It has taught me to stay determined, maintain a positive mindset and keep pushing forward even when faced with challenges.

Embracing setbacks has allowed me to develop a greater sense of self-awareness, resilience, and adaptability. 

Moreover, I have learned that success is not solely defined by avoiding failures or achieving perfection. It is a journey of continuous improvement, where setbacks and failures are essential components. Each setback provides an opportunity for self-reflection, learning, and growth. Embracing this mindset has allowed me to approach challenges with a sense of optimism and curiosity, knowing that even in the face of adversity, there is room for growth and progress. 

Therefore, I encourage others to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth. Embrace the lessons they offer, adapt your approach and use them as stepping stones towards achieving your goals. Remember that setbacks do not define you; rather, they shape you into a stronger, more resilient individual capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes your way.

Q: Name a project, a foundation or a person in your country that you think is doing great work in helping improve other people's lives! 

One project in Argentina that I believe is doing remarkable work in improving people's lives is OAJNU (Argentine Youth Organisation for the United Nations). OAJNU is a non-governmental organisation run by young volunteers who are passionate about making a positive impact in society. 

OAJNU focuses on promoting human rights, sustainable development and active citizenship among young people. Through various initiatives and programs, they strive to raise awareness, educate and empower youth to take action and contribute to social change. One of OAJNU's notable projects is their Model United Nations (MUN) programme. MUN provides a platform for students to simulate the United Nations and engage in discussions about global issues. By participating in MUN conferences, students develop critical thinking, public speaking and diplomacy skills. This programme not only fosters global awareness but also encourages young people to become active global citizens.

Furthermore, OAJNU organises educational campaigns and workshops on topics such as gender equality, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion. They collaborate with schools, universities and community organisations to reach a wider audience and promote dialogue on these crucial issues. OAJNU also works on advocacy and policy-making, striving to influence public policies that impact young people. They engage with government representatives, international organisations and civil society to advocate for the rights and well-being of youth.

Through their commitment and dedication, OAJNU has been able to empower and inspire countless young individuals to become agents of change in Argentina. Their work in promoting active citizenship, human rights and sustainable development is truly commendable and they continue to make a positive difference in the lives of many.

Overall, OAJNU is a shining example of how young people can come together, take initiative and contribute to the betterment of society. Their efforts serve as an inspiration for others to get involved and work towards creating a more inclusive, just, and sustainable future for all.

Q: What are some of the challenges that women in your country face and what efforts are being made towards gender equality? 

In my country, Argentina, women face various challenges that hinder gender equality. While progress has been made in recent years, there are still significant issues that need to be addressed. Some of the key challenges include: 

  • Gender-Based Violence: Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault and femicide, remains a pressing issue in Argentina. Many women face physical, emotional and psychological abuse, often resulting in severe consequences. Efforts are being made to combat this issue through the implementation of laws, awareness campaigns and support services for survivors.

  • Economic Empowerment: Women in Argentina often face barriers to economic empowerment. They encounter gender pay gaps, limited access to leadership positions and a lack of opportunities for career advancement. Efforts are being made to address these challenges by promoting equal pay, implementing policies to support women's entrepreneurship and providing access to vocational training and education.

  • Political Underrepresentation: Women's representation in political positions remains low in Argentina. Efforts are being made to promote gender parity in politics through initiatives such as gender quotas, political training programmes for women and advocacy for women's political participation.

  • Cultural and Societal Expectations: Traditional gender roles and societal expectations continue to influence the lives of women in Argentina. Women often face pressure to fulfill traditional gender norms, which can limit their choices and opportunities. Awareness campaigns, education and initiatives promoting gender equality are being implemented to challenge these stereotypes and promote a more inclusive society.

  • Reproductive Rights: Access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including contraception and safe abortion, continues to be a contentious issue in Argentina. There have been recent advancements in reproductive rights, such as the legalisation of abortion, but ongoing efforts are needed to ensure full access and remove barriers. 

Efforts are being made to address these challenges and promote gender equality in Argentina. The government has implemented various laws and policies to protect women's rights, such as the Law on Comprehensive Protection to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence Against Women. Civil society organisations and women's rights activists are actively advocating for gender equality, organizing protests, campaigns, and providing support services. 

Additionally, there is a growing awareness and conversation around gender issues, thanks to the efforts of feminist movements and organizations. Women's rights and gender equality are being prioritized in public discourse, educational programmes, and cultural initiatives. These efforts aim to create a more inclusive society that respects and upholds the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of gender. 

While progress has been made, there is still work to be done to achieve full gender equality in Argentina. Continued efforts in education, policy reform and cultural change are essential to overcome these challenges and create a more equitable society for all.

Q: Share with us a motto you live by.

One motto I live by is "Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride." This motto reminds me to appreciate every moment and experience in life, regardless of whether they are positive or challenging. Life is a continuous journey filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. Instead of fixating solely on the destination or outcome, I strive to find fulfillment in the process itself. I embrace the journey, recognising that it is through the experiences, lessons and growth along the way that I truly discover who I am and what brings me happiness. 

This motto encourages me to be present and fully engage in each moment, savoring the small victories and finding lessons in the setbacks. It reminds me to appreciate the beauty of the present, rather than constantly chasing future goals or dwelling on past regrets. By embracing the journey, I cultivate a sense of gratitude, curiosity, and resilience. I learn to adapt to unexpected twists and turns, finding opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. This mindset allows me to find joy and contentment in the process of pursuing my goals and passions. 

Ultimately, "Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride" serves as a reminder to approach life with an open heart and mind, to appreciate the present moment, and to find meaning and fulfillment in the journey itself, no matter where it leads.

Q: If you had all the money needed to launch the project of your dreams, can you describe what you would do? 

If I had all the necessary resources to launch the project of my dreams, I would create an organisation focused on empowering underprivileged youth through education and skills development. The organisation would establish community centers in disadvantaged areas, providing a safe and supportive environment for young individuals to learn, grow and thrive. These centres would offer a comprehensive range of educational programsme, vocational training and mentorship opportunities. 

  • Education and Academic Support: The organisation would prioritise quality education for all children, offering academic support, tutoring and innovative teaching methods. The aim would be to bridge the educational gap and ensure equal access to educational opportunities.

  • Skills Development and Vocational Training: The organisation would provide vocational training programmes to equip young people with practical skills needed for the job market. This would include technical training, entrepreneurship workshops and internships to enhance employability and empower them to become self-sufficient.

  • Mentorship and Life Skills: Mentorship would play a crucial role in the organisation, connecting young individuals with experienced professionals who can guide and inspire them. Life skills training would be incorporated to develop essential competencies such as communication, problem-solving and critical thinking.

  • Personal Development and Well-being: The organisation would promote holistic personal development by offering workshops on self- esteem, emotional intelligence and mental health. Physical activities, sports and creative outlets would be incorporated to foster a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

  • Community Engagement and Empowerment: The organisation would actively engage with the local community, collaborating with local businesses, NGOs and government entities. Community service initiatives, environmental awareness campaigns,and social impact projects would be encouraged, fostering a sense of responsibility and active citizenship among the youth.

  • Scholarships and Financial Support: The organisation would establish scholarship programs to provide financial assistance for deserving students to pursue higher education. This would ensure that talented individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background, have equal opportunities to achieve their academic and career aspirations.

  • Sustainable Development: Environmental sustainability would be integrated into the organisation's practices and teachings. It would prioritise eco-friendly initiatives, promote environmental awareness and educate young individuals about the importance of protecting our planet for future generations. 

The ultimate goal of this project would be to empower young individuals to break the cycle of poverty, unlock their full potential and become positive contributors to society. By providing comprehensive support, education and mentorship, the organisation would strive to create a brighter future for disadvantaged youth, equipping them with the necessary tools to succeed and make a meaningful impact in their communities. With all the resources at my disposal, I would ensure that this project is implemented with the utmost dedication, sustainability and long-term impact in mind, transforming the lives of countless young individuals and inspiring a generation of change-makers.