Esraa Eldawody Elmaddah

Esraa Eldawody Elmaddahis 30 years old, she is an energy consultant and researcher. She obtained her Masters degree in renewable energy by accepting the scholarship award of New Zealand development Scholarships in 2016 at Auckland university of technology, followed by another award in 2017 of upgrading the scholarship from Master of Engineering (course work) to Master of engineering (Research) based on her excellent performance. Her research title was an assessment of Concentrating solar power for Egyptian locations. After finishing her masters’ she has been working in consultancy field for multiple energy projects in addition to being part of “Climate and Energy Policies Advocacy of Youth in the Arab World program” and co-authoring two energy and climate Policy papers. Furthermore, she has past experience in Quality Assurance engineering. In addition, she is an alumnus of GLE (Global Leadership Experience program) by common purpose. She is Interested in renewable energy and sustainability and woman empowerment.

Esraa’s mentor is Nicky Amos.

Note: Esraa graduated from the mentoring programme in 2019 and she was 28 at the time.