Godlove Festo Mlelwa

Godlove Festo Mlelwa is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) candidate In the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) in Tanzania. Graduated with Honorable Bachelor degree of Accountancy from the Institute of Finance Management year 2021.

He owns a small business in Dar es Salaam doing the retail sales and Services, to multiply the earnings he’s also working as a part time online Freelancer. Currently he’s on the mission with his colleagues to incept a startup at a Finance industry that would aim to cope with the technological changes disrupting the finance industry.

Furthermore he believes that the firm would help to pave a way for graduates to grow in their career as it would give them a chance (he knows that because he was/is one of them). He intends to make the society better through integrated entrepreneurial knowledge and disruptive technology.

However for a chance of achieving changes he believes on the system of endless learning, transparency and constant intellectual growth of individuals. He lives in Dar es Salaam far from his Father in Kilimanjaro.