Maria Montserrat Castillo:“My mentor is helping me navigate challenges and seize opportunities”


Born in Tlaxcala, Mexico’s smallest state, but growing up across the country and studying abroad twice, Maria has lived in 13 different cities, embracing change and cultural diversity at a young age. This led her to major in International Business at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla and to become interested in the fields of trade development, economic diplomacy, and policy. As a trade enthusiast, she has worked with ProEcuador, a trade promotion agency, providing market intelligence to Ecuadorian exporters, and key insights on intra-industry trade opportunities and Ecuador's competitiveness against the Pacific Alliance members to the FTA negotiating team.


“My mentor is helping me navigate challenges and seize opportunities”

Q: Tell us a few things about you! Your background, your childhood and early beginnings!

I was born in Mexico's smallest state, grew up in eight different cities across the country and as a teenager I had the chance to study abroad in Europe. It was not always easy to start over in each new city. I learned how to adapt successfully to new environments and to be resilient, but sometimes I felt like I did not belong anywhere. However, this instilled in me an interest for exploring new places, and I pursued B.A in International Business. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to study abroad in South Korea, and something became clear to me. Being abroad made me identify more with my country, its culture, its gastronomy... and suddenly I realised: That little girl that felt like she did not belong to any city, had always belonged to Mexico, and now wanted to share its richness with the world. These experiences have instilled in me a passion and determination for economic diplomacy, as a means to share Mexico with the world. This is why I started my career at a trade and investment promotion agency and later continued as a trade analyst at a consulting firm. I have also engaged as a volunteer researcher for economic indexes to support policy analysis, and have created a cultural bulletin for a local government as a para-diplomatic tool and exchange with its “sister cities”. Nowadays I’m looking forward to continuing my education and pursuing a master’s degree in order to become a trade policy advisor for my country

Q: What are some of the key challenges in your society currently?

In Mexican society, there are significant challenges intertwined with several factors, such as education, economic inequality, and crime and violence. While efforts have been made to expand access, improving educational standards, reducing dropout rates and addressing educational disparities between rural and urban areas are crucial for creating a more inclusive society. These problems increased after the Covid-19 pandemic hit, leaving even more gaps and setbacks in education at all levels.

These challenges are related and can be linked to others, such as economic inequality, which is exacerbating societal issues. Mexico experiences a wide wealth gap, with a substantial portion of the population living in poverty or struggling to meet basic needs.

Reducingincomedisparities, providing equal opportunities for economic advancement and ensuring access to healthcare and education are vital steps toward fostering a more equitable society. These disparities can also accentuate when it comes to gender pay gaps and other minorities, like indigenous populations that are left out of the formal economy. These sometimes lead to crime and violence, which also remain pressing challenges in Mexico. Drug trafficking, organised crime and violence (especially against women) pose threats to public safety. It's important to note that these challenges are complex and interconnected, requiring comprehensive and multi-faceted approaches for effective solutions.

Q: Share with us some of the hurdles that you had to overcome in your life so far? How did you handle them?

Anxiety has been a significant hurdle in my life that I have had to overcome, especially after the pandemic, which highly increased it. It presented challenges in various aspects, including decision-making and pursuing personal goals. To handle anxiety, I sought professional help. Therapy has provided me with coping mechanisms and tools to manage anxiety, as well as introspective exercises to understand where it comes from. I also prioritised self-care, incorporating practices like exercise (mountain biking) into my daily routine that help me relieve stress and take my mind off things. Additionally, I practiced reframing negative thoughts and challenging anxious beliefs, gradually expanding my comfort zone through exposure and facing my fears. While managing anxiety is an ongoing process, these strategies have helped me develop resilience and take control of my mental well-being. Also seeking support from my mentor has helped me overcome self-doubt and build self-confidence from his feedback on how I conduct and view myself in a professional setting.

Q: Why is the role of a mentor important for you?

The role of a mentor is crucial for me due to its profound impact on my personal and professional growth. As my mentor provides guidance, support and wisdom gained from his own experiences, he has been helping me navigate challenges and seize opportunities, as well as helping me see these with a new lens or perspective that opens up new opportunities or approaches to address challenges. My mentor’s knowledge and insights have accelerated my learning curve and helped me enhance my skills. My mentor's encouragement and constructive feedback continue to empower me to overcome self-doubt and achieve my goals. Ultimately, I believe a mentor serves as a source of inspiration, pushing me to reach my full potential, as he fosters a nurturing environment where I can learn, develop and thrive, making his role invaluable in my journey of self-improvement.

Q: Do you have a lesson that life has taught you and you would like to share?  

Growing up in over 10 cities has taught me a profound lesson about resilience. Constantly relocating meant adapting to new environments, making new friends and starting over repeatedly. It taught me the importance of embracing change, being flexible, and finding strength in unfamiliar situations. Each transition brought challenges, but it also fostered resilience by cultivating my ability to adjust, persevere and thrive in diverse circumstances. It taught me the value of resilience as a life skill, enabling me to navigate uncertainties, overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities with confidence. Growing up in different cities shaped me into a resilient individual, ready to embrace change, face challenges head-on and find the silver linings in every experience.

Q: Name a project, a foundation or a person in your country that you think is doing great work in helping improve other people's lives! 

There are many foundations and people improving the lives of others in Mexico. However, recently I was greatly impressed when I came to know of Kenya Cuevas. Kenya is a remarkable individual in Mexico who has made significant contributions to improving the lives of transgender individuals. As an activist and founder of the organization "Casa de Muñecas" (House of Dolls), Kenya has been a tireless advocate for the rights and well-being of the transgender community. “Casa de Muñecas” provides a safe haven for transgender women, offering shelter, support and resources to empower them in their journey towards self-acceptance and equality.

Kenya's work goes beyond providing a physical space where she provides housing and education; she actively fights against discrimination, violence and social stigma faced by transgender individuals. Through her unwavering determination and leadership, Kenya has created a transformative impact, fostering a more inclusive and accepting society in Mexico, where transgender individuals can thrive and live authentically.

Q: What are some of the challenges that women in your country face and what efforts are being made towards gender equality?

Women in Mexico face various challenges that hinder gender equality. These challenges include gender-based violence, limited access to education and healthcare, gender discrimination in the workplace and cultural norms that reinforce traditional gender roles. For me, it is Gender-based violence, including femicide and domestic violence, is the main problem that Mexican women face. It remains a significant concern, highlighting the need for stronger legal protections and support services for victims and women across the country.

Efforts are being made towards gender equality in Mexico, however, there is still a lot left to do and with the highest sense of urgency, especially since around 10 women are killed every day since 2018 and with little to no legal enforcement and victim support. Civil society organisations and women's rights activists play a crucial role in this matter, they raise awareness, advocate for policy changes and provide support services for women. Movements like the #NiUnaMenos and #MeToo have gained momentum, shedding light on gender-based violence and demanding justice for victims. However, further progress is needed, alongside a comprehensive approach that involves all stakeholders and social actors to create a more equitable and inclusive society for women in Mexico.

Q: Share with us a motto you live by.

"Aim for progress, not perfection." This is a motto I recently started to live by. It reminds me to focus on continuous improvement and growth rather than striving for an unattainable ideal of perfection. As someone who struggles with anxiety, it has definitely been a tough but life-changing realisation. Focusing on progress allows me to embrace the learning process, my flaws and mistakes, and approach challenges with resilience and an open mind. It encourages me to set realistic goals, come up with new approaches, celebrate small victories and appreciate the journey rather than being fixated on flawless outcomes. This motto inspires me to keep moving forward, learn from experiences and continuously evolve into the best version of myself.

Q: If you had all the money needed to launch the project of your dreams, can you describe what you would do?

If I had all the necessary funding to launch the project of my dreams, it would be focused on women empowerment through education and economic opportunities. I would establish a comprehensive programme that would prioritise access to quality education for girls and women, providing scholarships, mentorship programmes and vocational training to enhance their skills and knowledge. Additionally, it would support the creation of women-led businesses and provide financial resources, mentorship and networking opportunities to promote entrepreneurship and economic independence. The project would also raise awareness about gender equality, challenge societal norms and advocate for policy changes that promote equal opportunities and rights for women. By combining education, economic empowerment and advocacy, this project would strive to break the barriers hindering women's progress, creating a society where women can thrive, contribute and lead with confidence and equality.