Vihren Mitev
Founder & Director, "Ecological Manifesto - ManEco" Foundation
Vihren is from Bulgaria.
Originally from Sofia, Bulgaria, Vihren Mitev has a Bachelor in Philosophy (2008-2012), a Master's in Global Studies (2012-2014) and holds a Ph.D. in Philosophical Anthropology (2015-2019) on the topic of personality. His professional path starts in 2012 by being an intern at the Center for Study of Democracy, then being communications assistant at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute and most recently - working for the Atlantic Club of Bulgarian as project manager and personal assistant to Dr. Solomon Passy, foreign minister of Bulgaria (2001-2005).
Vihren is author of the Ecological Manifesto and from 2018 he is founder of the eponymous "Ecological Manifesto - ManEco" Foundation. The mission of the organization is to raise awareness on climate change related topics through creative approaches, education and consultancy services. Some of the main activities of the organization include empowerment of active youth and citizens, climate literacy, community organizing and building stakeholder networks. From 2025 the organization brings to Bulgaria the global social entrepreneurship Social Impact Award (SIA) program.
Since 2019 Vihren is an alumni of the U.S. Department of State Professional Fellows Program and has sufficient experience in organizational and team leadership, project management and strategic development. Over the years, he has been involved in project implementation in partnership with other organizations such as Caritas Sofia, Junior Achievement Bulgaria and WWF Bulgaria. He has organized numerous events, educational activities and has helped to create a wide network of local and international organizations around ManEco Foundation.
In 2022 Vihren becomes EU Climate Pact ambassador, Climate Fresk facilitator and later on Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project leader.