“Mentoring Is an Opportunity to Give Something Back”
Our London-based mentor Marina Antoniou, encourages us to keep going despite the odds and never be shaken by adversity. It is important that we remain focused on our objectives and always maintain our integrity.
Q: What part of the world do you live in and what is the thing that you love the most about it – and the thing that you would correct if you could?
A: I live in London. I love many things in London. Most of all, I love its ‘international’ appeal. There are so many nationalities who live in London. I enjoy interacting with people from around the world, learning about different cultures and respecting different perspectives.
If I could, I would get the road-works done as soon as possible. There are many road-works currently and as a consequence, lots of traffic!
Q: What industry are you in, and why did you pick to do what you do?
A: I work in Financial Services. When I was 21, I did my MSc in ‘Economics and Finance’ at the Warwick Business School. I really enjoyed learning about Finance and decided to work in Financial Services.
I am a photographer as well, published photography books, exhibited in a few countries and earned awards. Photography helps me relax, create. It’s also a good ‘excuse’ to travel to wonderful, culturally diverse destinations.
I am also a member of the ‘Hellenic Bankers Association’ committees; I am currently driving the 2020 ‘HBA Student Award’. This award aims at recognizing the outstanding work of Greek and Cypriot students.
Q: How did you learn to embrace risk-taking?
A: I am not afraid of taking risks. Since I was very young, if I was afraid to do something, if I was contemplating ‘taking the risk’, then I would put it high on my agenda to ensure I would get it done. I would go for it. I still have this approach.
I am not suggesting that we should take unreasonable, unnecessarily big risks in life in order to ‘prove’ ourselves. However, we need to push ourselves to meet our potential. By taking the risk, stretching ourselves, we evolve, we learn and we move forward.
"We need to push ourselves to meet our potential. By taking the risk, stretching ourselves, we evolve, we learn and we move forward"
Q: What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned and how has it proven invaluable?
A: Leadership decisions need to be ethical and supersede any monetary business interest. As leaders, when we make decisions, we may well impact people’s lives. Therefore, integrity is paramount. I do believe that ethics and integrity in leadership will help leaders survive challenges and adversity.
Q: What have you gained from your mentoring journey?
A: Both my mentees work in different sectors and live in different countries than I. Therefore, I gained exposure to different cultures and sectors.
Mentoring is also an opportunity for me to ‘give something back’. I tried to be as supportive as I could and encouraged my mentees to reach for their dreams and fulfil their potential. Through the mentoring journey, I got to know two remarkable individuals with who I wish to remain in contact for years to come.
Q: What is the one thing that impressed you in your mentee?
A: I had two brilliant mentees, Carol and Waala. I was impressed by Waala’s hard work and determination. I am sure she will make an excellent manager. Carol is a high achiever who always strives for excellence.
Q: What is your motto in life?
A: ‘Never give up’.
Keep going despite the odds, don’t be shaken by adversity. Remain focused on your objectives, be flexible and always maintain your integrity.